Change of the name of a Stock Company in Latvia

To change the name of a firm, the statutes are amended under the timing. The new version of the statute and application will depict the same new firm with the same reference to the type of merchant, there is also a consistent use or non-use of quotation marks. Documents to be submitted: Application form (KR18) […]

Starting a Hospitality Iindustry Business in Latvia

The hospitality sector, which includes hotel, food and beverage service, event planning, theme parks, travel, and tourism, spans a broad range of industries within the service industry. The list includes hotels, tourism agencies, restaurants, and pubs. Another way to grasp hospitality is to consider The Big Four: food and beverage, travel and tourism, hotel, and […]

A merger of associations guide in Latvia

Associations are usually set up by two or more individuals, corporate bodies, or partners having the same goal and seeking to achieve it. The purpose of an association is always stated in the articles of association drafted by the board members.  Registering an association Registration requires at least two people as members of the board […]

Start logistics business

Due to Latvia’s geographic advantages as a bridge between Scandinavia, Central Europe, and Eastern Europe, logistics has long been a top focus. Given the abundance of commercial cars from the neighboring countries on the country’s roadways, Latvia must have a robust logistics and transportation infrastructure. Delivering goods to Latvia as part of market entrance procedures […]

Change of legal address of an association

Associations are set up by persons or corporate bodies known as true beneficiaries having the same goals. For associations to be operative in the country, they must be registered with the Enterprise Register by filling out an application. An existing association is allowed to reorganize or make certain changes when the need arises. As stated […]

Liquidation or Termination of activities of a Stock Company in Latvia

Winding up of a company in Latvia can be either by the procedure of the shareholders’ voluntary liquidity or liquidated by regulatory enactments by the state controlling institution. In both situations, the liquidation procedure results in the closure of the company, and they get an exclusion from the commercial register of Latvia. The activity of […]

Easiest businesses to start in Latvia

Are you planning to open a business in Latvia? Here are some of the easiest businesses you can launch in Latvia right now. Starting a clothing line  Worldwide, there are countless fashion and apparel companies. Starting a clothing brand is a terrific business that takes little start-up money, and you can launch anything from tiny, […]

Tips before starting a business in Latvia

In the most recent World Bank assessment of the nations with the best business climates, Latvia comes in at number 19 out of 190, trailing 171 economies. Since entering the EU in 2004 and the Eurozone in 2014, Latvia has prospered thanks to its educated and intelligent labor force, thriving startup scene, and affordable cost […]

Application of tax rebates in Latvia

When paying a non-resident, tax refunds must be applied in the following ways: Corporation income tax withheld If a legal person is paid by a non-resident who does not have a permanent presence in Latvia, corporate income tax is applied at the tax rate specified in the law on corporate income tax. Corporate income tax […]

Reasons why you should use company formations agents in Latvia

Individuals considering forming a business may be overwhelmed by the numerous papers, procedures, and processes required in doing so. This is where business formation agents may help. They aim to make the process of starting a new business as simple as possible for you. It is then vital to go over the following reasons why […]