The Register of Enterprises in the country is the authority in charge of registering companies within the territory. The Enterprise Register enters companies, business owners, branch offices, and representative offices as well as changes in certain information. It also registers commercial pledges, associations, foundations, public-private partnership agreements, trade unions, etc. Business owners can request information from the registers managed by the Register of Enterprises. Information can be found on the following sources: online information website of the register, Information website (free of charge but requires authorization), online information website with authorization and for a fee, etc. During the formation of a company, the application must be made to the Register for entry into any of the appropriate registers of entities. Upon the confirmation of the payment of the state fee and documents submitted, a certificate of registration is usually issued to the founders.

If you are interested in setting up a company in the country, or you are considering making changes to any information as regards an organization, registering with the Enterprise Register is mandatory. This article provides detailed information on the prominent company registration authority within the country, the register of Enterprises.
The register of enterprises
This is the main authority where data and records are entered and kept. According to the law and regulations, all companies must submit incorporation documents to the registry for company formation and when changes are to be made to an organization. The officials of the Register are in charge of the registration, and changes of organizations, associations, and foundations into the registers of entities. The unified register can be accessed online by users and interested persons.
The register keeps a database of information on all organizations and foundations operating legally. This information is available on the website and can be downloaded in CSV format. Some information requires payment for access while others are free of charge. The latter include type of legal entity, registered office, new trade name and previously registered, registration number, registration date, et cetera. Business owners can download an Excel format of the whole registry where the identifier appears under the ‘regcode’. Also, users can search on the Lursoft website in English.
The following are functions of the Enterprise Register under the provisions of the Act:
- Registering corporate bodies, branch and representative offices, organizations, and cooperative societies
- Registering the following:
- European Economic Interest Groupings
- EU companies, associations
- Foundations for legal protection and insolvency proceedings
- Commercial pledges, etc.
- Ensuring all records of the registers are kept
- Issue certificate of registrations
- Providing information on entities registered within the territory
- Executing other functions under laws and regulations, etc.
Services rendered by the register
The Enterprise Register provides certain services to legal persons and corporate bodies operating in the republic. They include the following: registration of new companies according to specific provisions, accurate record keeping of all registers (Register of Public Organisations, Commercial Register, Register of Trade Unions, Register of Associations and Foundations, etc.), review of submitted documents for registration and other purposes, confirmation of signatures for natural persons and representatives who are registered, verification of company names registered in the registers, examination, and preparation of replies to a submission received and requests for information, draft derivatives of registration files and official documents, etc. The Register of Enterprises also imposes sanctions and manages cross-border mergers of capital companies, access to entries in the registers, makes decisions and entries to the registration file, and issuance of a certificate of registration and approved Articles of Association to applicants.
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