Around a third of Latvia’s farming fields are utilized for agricultural processing, while about a tenth is used for cattle grazing. Wheat is a major commodity. Rice, rye, flax, and grain are other important crops. The principal crops grown for exporting are vegetables, including carrots, potatoes, and onions. 

Agricultural collectivization was completed in 1947–50, despite opposition. There were communal ranches (mostly involved in the production of cereal grains and mixed cropping) and subsistence farming before the country’s sovereignty in 1991. The emerging independent administration made collectivization a priority.

Latvia was a major supplier of agricultural commodities throughout the Soviet era, although tiny. After freedom, it was anticipated that privatizing agribusiness would arise in greater concentrations of manufacturing and advantageous terms of trade in farm products; however, agribusiness benefited only a tiny percentage of GDP in the early nineties due to the financial struggles and the rising installation cost required. Agriculture had been privatized by the early twenty-first century.

The fishing sector in Latvia contributes just a small percentage of GDP, and exporting fish commodities has become less important. Sportfishing has added more to Latvia’s yearly interior capture than industrial fisheries. Most Latvian fish, particularly codfish and herring, are eaten in the United States as a protein supplement. Pike, shrimp, bream, perch, lamprey, and eels are the most prevalent freshwater fish present in water bodies. Synthetically raised trout and salmon are discharged into streams after being produced in conservatories. Ponds have been used to make crabs and carp effectively.

The forest ecology is the most important aspect of Latvia’s habitat. Birch, fir, and pine are the most common tree types. Households, heat-generating firms, industry, and other users are the largest consumers.

Getting agriculture, forestry, and fishing license in Latvia 

In Latvia, starting a business in agriculture forestry is quite simple. You must compile and submit all essential documents and the license request form to the officials. Officials require you to open a bank account in the country and show that you have sufficient financial resources. After that, you’ll be able to start your own business in Latvia in weeks. Here’s how to get your agriculture, fishing, or forestry license.

The Approvals and Producers Assistance Unit of the Ministry of the Trade Area Organization of the RSS issues licenses for initiating a trade in the categories mentioned earlier in Latvia, but only for usage within the boundaries of the Republic of Latvia. To receive the permission, you must submit the required documents to the authorities, including your identification, passport, company plans, bank records, criminal history, and request form. Aside from that, you’ll have to pay the required license fee.

Fishing License in Latvia 

  • Coastal fishing authorization, 
  • An industrial fishing license in interior waterways,
  • Marine fishing assistance 
  • Inventory for fishing in ocean areas, 
  • Logbook for commercial fisheries in water bodies, 
  • Log for fishing in the European Union, 
  • Credentials of fishing, 
  • Special license (license) for sport fisheries in global and other waters outside the Baltic Sea, 
  • Promotional license for fish buyers, 
  • Computerized tracking and reporting of fishing operations.

Agriculture license in Latvia

  • Import and export licenses for farm commodities
  • Permission to Use Water Resources 
  • Permission to carry out Category A and B polluting activities, or approval to carry out Category C polluting activities
  • “Acquisition technique” licensing (patent)

Forestry license in Latvia

  • Registration of a plant safety product with numerous trade names for distribution
  • Registration of a plant protection product, interim registration of a plant protection product
  • Licensing deal for fruit plant propagation material, processing, and propagation
  • Authorization to sell a plant protection product in a parallel market

Requirements for obtaining fishing, agriculture, and forestry license 

  • To obtain such licenses, you must submit the following documents and the application form and fee to the relative authorities. 
  • Proof of identification,
  • Passport size photo,
  • Objectives of obtaining the license,
  • Document stating the educational degree in the relevant field, 
  • Document proving clean criminal background, 
  • Financial means,
  • A statement from tax authorities stating no past tax liability, and 
  • A medical certificate from a psychiatrist and physician

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