The preliminary approval of the documents is the first step of the draft operation and the accompanying documents previous to the submission for enrollment. In the pre-commissioning of the documents, the State notary shall perform a verification of the documents and data, which is specified in the nonsupervisory enactment regulating the conditioning of the applicable subject, and shall inform the customer of the shortages determined.

Documents to be submitted
For the documents that will need a notary, there is a public notary on the point at the Enterprise Register and several others around. ( again you will require assistance from an interpreter). To authorize your signature on an operation for registering an SIA, concurrence to appoint the Management Board, and the register of shareholders.
Other documents include a sheet stating the number of shares in the company and their power. There is also a document that states the legal address of the company. It requires authorization from the proprietor of the property (if it’s not you). Other documents include;
- An operation.
- The draft operation and the documents are to be attached thereto.
- A receipt or a duplicate thereof, a printout of online bank payment, or information about the payment of the service.
- The service isn’t available for the processing of an entry in the bankruptcy register and the register of marketable pledges.
Checking documents
In the Enterprise Register, the State notary shall perform the same verification of the documents and data specified in the nonsupervisory enactment regulating the conditioning of the applicable trafficker, undertaking, or another subject.
The documents shall authorize whether;
- All documents handed for in nonsupervisory enactments have been submitted, which are registered (attached to a case) or on the base of which an entry shall be made in the register carried by the Enterprise Register.
- The document which is registered (attached to a case) or on the base of which an entry is made in the register carried by the Enterprise Register shall have legal effect.
- The form of the document, which is registered (attached to the file) or on the base of which an entry is made in the register carried by the Enterprise Register, conforms to the form specified in nonsupervisory enactments or papers if the nonsupervisory enactment provides for the possibility to determine a specific form of the document in the papers of association.
- in a document that is registered (attached to a file) or on the basis of which an entry is made in the register carried by the Enterprise Register, the quantum and content of the information and regulations included shall conform to the nonsupervisory enactments and other documents in the enrollment file.
- A security instrument isn’t registered in the register carried by the Enterprise Register.
Still, it should be noted that the Enterprise Register doesn’t have a legal basis to carry out the verification of particular data and other data in the registers which are available to the Enterprise Register But doesn’t have the responsibility of the Enterprise Register. The State notary of the Enterprise Register, when carrying out the approval of draft documents, shall not check:
- Particular data in the Population Register of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.
- Do not request a statement from the SRS regarding the absence of duty debt if the rejection of the subject from the register is applied for data regarding the proprietor of real estate in the Land Register.
- Whether a person is banned from doing business.
- whether the address or person is included in the list of threat addresses or persons, or the person doesn’t have limited capacity to act, or the State Revenue Service has not commenced an inspection;
- Do not perform an examination of the private legal agreement of the shareholders of the capital company included in the papers of association.
Still, the aspirant must relate to the institution which is entitled to maintain the register, If the aspirant for the pre-verification wishes to gain information from registers that aren’t under the responsibility of the Enterprise Register. The service can be paid with a transfer to any bank 2 days before the service is entered. The draft operations, the operation and the documents to be attached thereto may be submitted by the founders, the Board, the members, or any other person.