Company dissolution and liquidation in Latvia

The process of dissolving and liquidating a company can be complicated, requiring careful thought and respect for regulatory requirements. For entrepreneurs looking to close their businesses in Latvia, knowing the procedures and regulations is essential. This article gives a thorough overview of the process by describing the six steps involved in dissolving a company and […]
Building a strong company culture in your Latvian business

The culture of a firm is its personality. It is defined by a collection of values, beliefs, actions, practices, and attitudes. It distinguishes your firm and drives it to success. So, how can you establish a great corporate culture in your Latvian firm? Here’s how it’s done: Hire following the culture The most successful organizations […]
Building a strong company culture in Latvia

A successful company plan has to be implemented by the entire company workforce. They must work together in unison while being motivated by the same values and goals. In other words, every company requires the right kind of culture—one that binds the teams together and produces the desired results. Culture is a dynamic, living phenomenon. […]
Advantages of establishing a holding company in Latvia

In Latvia, setting up a holding structure is a terrific method to grow and develop your company. A holding company’s primary objective is to bring together a collection of businesses to manage a shared cash flow and assets. As a result, you may expand your market and raise your company’s capitalization and worth. Aims of […]
Reasons to use a company formation agent

If you’ve never formed a company, the business incorporation world may seem intimidating. The jargon, legal requirements, and registration procedure are simple to understand if you work with a business formation agent. What is a company formation agent A company formation agent is an autonomous entity that establishes corporations on behalf of other persons. This […]
Companies that are obligated to register for VAT

The registration of Value Added Tax (VAT) payers in the country by the State Revenue Service (SRS) in the register is controlled by these provisions; Article 3 and paragraphs 1 and 9 of Article 26 of the Act ‘On Value Added Tax’. Any company which engages in business activities and purchases goods in the EU […]
Company management in Latvia

Two aspects of the environment played a role in shaping corporate governance in Latvia. The very first part of this story takes place in 1991 when Latvia won its independence by seceding from the political and economic institutions of the Soviet Union. This event marks the beginning of this particular narrative. Confusion reigned supreme among […]
Registration of new company in Latvia

Starting a business in the country is quite easy and lucrative. With the numerous incentive policies introduced by the government for the benefit of foreign investors and local business owners, the prospects of setting up a company within the republic are limitless. Once one has a business idea, there are different companies to choose from […]
Company registration authority in Latvia

The Register of Enterprises in the country is the authority in charge of registering companies within the territory. The Enterprise Register enters companies, business owners, branch offices, and representative offices as well as changes in certain information. It also registers commercial pledges, associations, foundations, public-private partnership agreements, trade unions, etc. Business owners can request information […]