Investment programs
Investment support
Latvia is a European Union member and is situated on the crossroad between EU countries and Russia and Belorussia, which makes it a great place for investments. Latvian legislation system is relatively liberal, comparing to the West Europe countries that also positively affect business startup process and further maintenance.
Moreover there is a possibility to get a temporal residence permit for up to 5 years via investments. Residence permit in Latvia, which is a Schengen Agreement member, gives opportunities to its owner to travel freely in and out of Schengen Area, as well as living up to 3 months in a 6 months period in any Schengen Area country. Investments can be made in the real estate, enterprise equity capital or Latvian credit institution. To ensure the investments will be made in right place, proper way and timely, Company registration in Latvia offers investment support services. Our qualified professional help will save your time and money, giving the result you wished.

Conditions on investing in real estate:
- the total amount of transaction (involving one or several real estates) must be at least LVL 100,000 (approx. EUR 143,000) and the cadastral value must be at least LVL 30,000 (approx. EUR 42,900) in large cities or at least LVL 50,000 (approx. EUR 72,000) and the cadastral value must be at least LVL 10,000 (approx. EUR 14,300) in other places;
- only non-cash funds may be used for purchasing real estate;
- a foreigner does not have and has never had any debts of payments of real estate tax in Latvia;
- the transaction is concluded after 1 July 2010;
- real estate acquired from the Latvian Republic registered legal person or natural person who is a Latvian citizen, Latvian non-citizen, citizen of the Union or an alien who resides with the Latvian Republic of valid residence permit;
- a residence permit is issued after registering the ownership in the Land Register.
Conditions on investing in Latvian credit institutions:
- the amount of financial investments must be at least LVL 200,000 (approx. EUR 286,000);
- the term of transaction must be at least five years without the right to terminate it prior to the term of repayment of the deposit.
Conditions on investing in the equity capital of an enterprise:
- the amount of investment must be at least LVL 25,000 (approx. EUR 36,000);
- the amount of taxes payable for the next year must be at least LVL 20,000 (approx. EUR 28,600);
- the quantity of workers does not exceed 50 and year turnover does not exceed LVL 7,000,000 (approx EUR 10,010,000);
Either that, or the amount of investment must be at least LVL 100,000 (approx. EUR 143,000).